Achieving Inner Freedom

21-Day Challenge for Having a Flexible Mind that Can Reinvent Your World


A NEW 21-Day Challenge from Shai Tubali Ph.D.

Join the 5000 enthusiastic participants who have already chosen to challenge themselves and develop new skills and abilities in just three weeks.

The Challenge starts on September 9, 2024








Tap into the Liberating Power of a Flexible Mind and Reinvent Your World with Daily Guided Meditations, a new Focus, and Accountability, From Day 1 to Day 21


Your Path to Inner Freedom:

Break old mental and behavioral habits and reshape your beliefs in 21 days

* We may often find ourselves feeling trapped in narrow thinking patterns, unable to explore alternative solutions and viewpoints.

* Our decisions might be rigid and predetermined, leaving little room for adaptation or creativity.

* We may feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, craving resilience and coping strategies.

* Sometimes, we might find ourselves in a mental fog, seeking clarity and focus.

* Inner conflicts could be holding us back from experiencing true peace and contentment.

Welcome to our 21-day challenge to develop a truly flexible mind! In the next three weeks, you’ll learn powerful techniques and exercises to break old mental and behavioral habits and reshape your beliefs. This journey will help you unlock your natural inner freedom. Join us and discover the limitless potential of your mind.

“Keeping your mind fresh is a process far subtler than just making sure that you don’t forget where you left your keys or the name of that movie star. It is more like mental yoga—performing internal stretching that enables your mind to remain superbly elastic and agile.”


– Shai Tubali, Ph.D.


How would it feel to have a flexible mind and true inner freedom?


Imagine if you could see the world through a flexible mind for a whole day. How different would everything look?

Having a truly flexible mind is like breaking free from the chains of rigid beliefs and stepping into a world of endless possibilities. It’s like having a mind that’s like a flowing river, able to adapt and change easily to new ideas and challenges.

Imagine being able to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. You’d be able to see things from different angles, embrace new perspectives with openness and curiosity, and make decisions with confidence and creativity.

Picture a sense of lightness and clarity, where inner conflicts disappear, and your connections with others deepen. It’s about moving beyond fixed identities, celebrating the fluidity of your thoughts, and embracing change as an opportunity to grow.

Get ready to break free from limiting mental structures and unlock the limitless potential of your flexible mind!

What participants of 21-day challenges with Shai Tubali say:

Cindy Tompkins

Participant of a previous 21-days challenge

“When the world around you continues to swirl like a tornado you must find a way to help yourself become centered. Shai’s teachings are beyond valuable in my life and continue to help me embrace the positive in my life!”

Ludwig Kramer-Klett

Entrepreneur and Investor

“The teachings in the 21 day challenge on the light of positive emotions filled me with an inner peace and feeling of liberation like I didn’t have before. I understand now that any positive feeling I ever felt, was mine and not created by someone or something else and I can live it everyday if I only allow it”

Ronald Ménard, PhD

Author of The Quantum Path to Freedom

“Moving away from the negative brain-consciousness-that-something-is-wrong to the reality of my positive emotions and expanding it becomes indeed ‘transformative.’ It is experiencing tremendous freedom to stop waiting for the conditions of life around us to change and to become fully synchronized with my hopes and dreams – I am thus capable of experiencing myself as a source and an inexhaustible stream of positive emotions. It is an attainment of the highest form of emotional maturity.”

“As organizations grapple with a context of ever-increasing complexity and adaptive challenge they strive to prepare their senior leaders with greater change agility. Dr Tubali’s newest offering on how to cultivate a flexible mind provides a detailed road map for exactly this urgent business need. It helps leaders to enhance their cognitive flexibility, mindfulness, and imaginative and intuitive capacities.”

Amy Fox

Chief Executive Officer, Mobius Executive Leadership

“Shai has an incomparable way to share complex subjects, that we cannot grasp with the mind but only with the heart. The fact that I identified in so many layers and levels made the listening a great joy to me. As far as I can say I profited a lot from this challenge. Thank you!”

Andrea Gillert

“Thank you Shai and your whole team from the bottom of my heart for this path you have opened for us. You are only one step away from ease and just don’t know it. I have learned more in this challenge than in my whole life, the highest knowledge that every human being should have. I am happy to pass this knowledge on to people who are around me when they want to. I myself feel that I am becoming calmer and calmer and that I AM and can simply trust my life, because now everything is always okay, no matter what. I have also started the challenge again. It will now continue to accompany me and open up more and more aspects of my being. <3 THANK YOU; THANK YOU; THANK YOU <3 NAMASTE”

Estefania G.

“We all tend to see reality in through very specific, learned lenses – old concepts, identities and positions overlay our perception of reality. Dr. Shai Tubali’s teachings can free us from limiting old perspectives and show us how we can decisively develop our intelligence and mental adaptability to ever new situations and challenges and act creatively from a truly free, flexible mind. We learn how to train our brain and our consciousness in order to be able to find new, inventive, spontaneous solutions again and again in the areas of research, general professional life and in our private lives. In our ever-changing, highly challenging world, this is a crucial advantage.”

Dr. Bettina Preney

Literary Scholer

“Thank you for this 21-Day-Challenge! After a stroke of faith it brought order, calmness and love back into my emotions and feelings, and made me feel my „under emotions shaken“ connections to my deep and innermost self. I clearly feel my sensibility and origin again. I have closed myself from years from this inner knowing, maybe only to experience now this gift of awakening.”

Sandra Pühringer

“A very gentle, caring and loving journey in our search for fulfilment, wholeness and meaning of Life which eventually leads back to ourselves. A tremendously precious and gratifying gift for all those who let themselves be invite into this journey.”


“Dear Shai and all who made this challenge possible. A thousand thanks for your dedication and commitment!
Actually I don’t even know where to start…
I could write a whole essay about what has happened to me in the last days through this input here. My whole little world has changed. And I immediately started the second round.
That’s all I can say right now. I look forward to continuing my studies.
Thank you, you great people for your support.
You bring peace directly into the world. That’s fantastic.”

Marie D.

“Dr. Tubali’s insights into mental flexibility have been a game-changer for me, helping me overcome challenges on both professional and personal levels. His methods offer creative and effective ways for navigating the ever-changing technological and business environment.”
Gil Kremer

Gil Kremer CIO & CISO, Essence Security Ltd.

“Dear Shai, dear team, dear everyone,
I don’t even know what to say. There are only tears running and there is a feeling of infinitely deep touch in my heart.
How long have I longed for this connection, how long has my heart been calling for this knowledge. What a challenging path…
It obviously takes some time for a deep insight to slowly grow.

I am everything. I contain everything. I am full of fullness and at the same time “emptiness”. This realization revealed itself today on a very drastic and deep level in my heart and I am sure that this realization may now deepen even more.
My heart wants to say thank you, the team and the whole life from the bottom of my heart.
A special thank you for your clear and honest words, thank you for your endless efforts, your support and your infinite love. As I listened to your words today, I realized with what dedication and love you share the messages with the world. In that moment I felt no separation and it seemed as if only the One was speaking to itself.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful challenge and wish you all endless and liberating insights for the further path.
From my heart”

Nadia D.

I would love to join the challenge!


The paramount for navigating life’s challenges


“A flexible mind isn’t a final goal or a permanent state.

It’s more about not getting trapped in your own views, opinions, identities, history, and knowledge.

A flexible mind is like a river—always flowing, never the same,
unlike a stagnant, swamp-like mind.”


~ Shai Tubali Ph.D.


In today’s dynamic world, cultivating a flexible mind is paramount for navigating life’s challenges and fostering meaningful connections. A flexible mind enables you to adapt to changing circumstances, empowering you to face adversity with grace and creativity.

Moreover, by exploring alternative viewpoints and solutions, a flexible mind promotes mutual understanding and deeper connections with others.

Say goodbye to inner conflicts that hold you back from peace and contentment. With a flexible mind, clarity and focus replace mental fog, guiding you towards innovative solutions and profound personal growth.


Moving from a one-track mind to a multiverse mind


Imagine your mind as a vast multiverse, full of endless possibilities and infinite directions.

Yet, despite this incredible potential, many of us find ourselves trapped in a single pathway of thinking and experiencing, like a wagon stuck in a rut along a dirt track.

But what if you held the key to unlock your boundless potential?

Over 21 days, you will be introduced to a playground of joyful experimentation where you’ll learn to break mental and behavioral habits; rewire your belief system and embrace the true flexibility of your mind.


We’ll explore thought experiments, visualizations, and guided meditations to expand your consciousness and liberate your mind from limiting beliefs.

You’ll learn to play with identities and perspectives, letting go of fixed self-beliefs and embracing the unknown. 

You’ll discover how to navigate change with grace, adapt to new experiences, and quiet the noise of your mind.

Through meditation, you’ll tap into inner peace and clarity, learning to listen deeply to yourself and others.

 You’ll replace limiting thoughts with empowering ones, unlocking your full potential and reaching a state of inner freedom.

How to Participate

The Challenge starts on September 9, 2024

We start this journey together as a group. Over a period of 21 days you will receive a new lesson ​every day.


Daily Practices

Your time investment will be 15-25 minutes every morning. The meditation practice will accompany you throughout the day.

The Journey is all about You.

The journey is all about you. All lectures are created to activate and empower the seven layers of your being.


Daily online lectures. Participate from wherever you are.

Exclusive Membership Area

Get access to the exclusive Online Campus.

24 Months Full Access

Participate now and receive 24 months of access to all the materials for only $ 197 $ 97.

I want to participate


Join the Challenge Now!


Shai Tubali, Ph. D.

Shai Tubali, PhD, is an expert on mental flexibility. His pioneering methodologies seamlessly fuse ancient wisdom with modern science, providing a useful framework for understanding and expanding our minds. Shai presents programs for individuals and companies, and as a consultant, Shai has partnered with leading organizations worldwide to cultivate cultures of innovation and adaptability on the foundational premise of mental flexibility.  More than 40,000 participants have benefited from 600+ is global presentations, in which he covers developing mental flexibility, building emotional resilience, and how to use transformative dialogue to transform your life and your career.

As the developer of psycho-transformative processes such as the Expansion Method, or Power Psychology, Shai will gradually guide us deeper into the world of true inner freedom and the power of the flexible mind over 21 days.


“The entirely different perspective from on our PURE BEING, free of Dogmas and rituals, free of have to, should, otherwise…. is so liberating and inspiring. To place ourselves in freedom like this, is pure love. Thank you so much!”

Elisabeth Lumina

The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot. A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.”

Michael Lindenberg

“Shai speaks from his heart to our heart… in that way our heart receive ears… and we can listen from here … within this unity, within this vast mind, its possible to lose and find myself”

Katrin Cüppers

© Shai Tubali 2024

This program is designed as a self-help program and is not intended to replace psychotherapy. The contents have been thoughtfully curated. It should not be viewed as a substitute for any treatment that you may require from a medical doctor or psychotherapist.

If you are presently undergoing or have previously undergone medical treatment or therapy for mental health concerns, engaging in an environment of deep contemplation or introspection may not be suitable for your situation. We urge you to consult with a mental health professional to determine whether participating in a focused contemplative environment is appropriate and safe for you at this juncture.

Dr. Shai Tubali’s programs do not guarantee healing outcomes. The utilization of the program is entirely your own responsibility.